Parents of the Bride: Jim and the late Jessica Grainger Parents of
the Groom: Brian "Rex Sterling" Romalotti & the late Angela Romalotti Matron of Honor: Nina Kimble Best Man: Rex
Sterling Guests: Leanna Randolph and David Kimble
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Minister to Danny: You have chosen Christine to be youre
wife. Will you live together with her according to Gods word? Will you love her, comfort her, and provide for her and in sickness
and in health and be true to her all youre life?
Danny: I will
Minister to Christine: You have chosen Daniel
to be youre husband. Will you live together with him according to Gods word? Will you love her, comfort her, and provide for
her and in sickness and in health and be true to her all youre life?
Christine: I will
Danny to Christine:
I join you in marriage Christine, to be my wife now and forever. To hold, to keep you, in joy and in sorrow, in prosperity
and hardship, in health and in sickness to defend and to honor you, to love and to cherish you, and with you to keep Gods
Holy word. As a symbol of my promise, I give you this ring.
Christine to Danny: I join you in marriage Daniel, to
be my husband now and forever. To hold, to keep you, in joy and in sorrow, in prosperity and hardship, in health and in sickness
to defend and to honor you, to love and to cherish you, and with you to keep Gods Holy word. As a symbol of my promise, I
give you this ring.
Minister to All: What therefore God has joined together, let no man put assunder. Daniel and Christine,
because you have pledged youre vows of marriage before God and this gathering of people, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Daniel you may kiss youre bride. Dear friends may I introduce to you now
Mr and Mrs. Daniel Romalotti!
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